TWI Quality Assurance

Quality is a fundamental part of TWI’s business and the key to our decades of success in the CMP industries.

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Responsive, Dynamic, Agile

As innovation happens quickly and constantly, we recognize the customer’s need for immediate, dynamic quality support in the fast pace of the semi-conductor industry.

The QA Process

TWI always implement real-time SPC throughout every stage in our manufacturing process. This shows us what its capabilities are and allows us to trace any problem back to its source. We use internal data collection and analysis to further understand our processes and independently identify areas of improvement. We rely on Corrective Action Requests, internal audits and customer feedback to help drive improvements in every step of our process


Our focus on Statistical Process Control (SPC) allows us to customize products to exact specifications and to offer our customers crucial personalized quality support. We find immediate short-term solutions to any problem that arises and use these systems to create and ensure long-term solutions, ensuring that the problem never reoccurs.

TWI is ISO 9001:2015 certified by TUV USA.

Quality Assurance Process

As innovation happens quickly and constantly, we recognize the customer’s need for immediate, dynamic quality support in the fast pace of the semi-conductor industry

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